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Artículos científicos en ortodoncia - Clínica Ortoface
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Equipo Ortoface
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Tratamientos Preventivos
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Ortodoncia Lingual
Ortodoncia con Alineadores
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Tratamientos Correctivos
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Artículos científicos
Artículos científicos en ortodoncia
Artículos científicos en ortodoncia
Cefalometría y análisis facial
Análisis de Witts
Análisis de Sassouni
Aspectos históricos y culturales de las fisuras labiopalatinas
Comparación entre alteraciones encontradas en tres medidas cefa
Como y hasta cuando crece la cara de nuestro paciente
Análisis del trazado
Trazado anátomico cefalométrico
Magnitudes cefalométricas. Resumen del análisis cefalométrico
Cefalometria en la ortodoncia actual
Sumario del analisis cefalometrico
Analisis del crecimiento facial
Analisis de las vias aereas
Analisis cefalometrico de tweed
Análisis Cefalométrico de Steiner
Analisis de rickets
Análisis de McNamara
Analisis morfologico y dentofacial de interlandi
Análisis Cefalométrico en Norma Frontal
Protocolo de tratamiento en ortodoncia
Mordida cruzada posterior
Knowledge and beliefs regarding temporomandibular disorders among orthodontics
Improvement of nasal airway ventilation after rapid maxillary expansion evaluated with computational dynamics
Maxillary expander with differential opening vs Hyrax expander: A randomized clinical trial
Midpalatal suture maturation: Classification method for individual assessment before rapid maxillary expansion
Dental arch dimensional changes after adenotonsillectomy in prepubertal children
Improvement of nasal airway ventilation after rapid maxillary expansion evaluated with computational fluid dynamics
Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of phase 1 orthodontic treatment using the American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index
Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of phase 1 orthodontic treatment using the American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index
Avaliação e Terapia Fonoaudiológica com Respiradores Bucais
Relationship between breastfeeding duration and prevalence of posterior crossbite in the deciduous dentition
The Heritability of Malocclusion: Part 1. Genetics, Principles and Terminology
The Heritability of Malocclusion: Part 2. The Influence of Genetics in Malocclusion
Hábitos de succión y maloclusión: epidemiología en la dentadura temporal
Hábitos de Sucção: como e quando tratar na ótica da Ortodontia x Fonoaudiologia
Lip and tongue movements during phonetic sequences: analysis and definition of normal values
Mordida Aberta Anterior: A Importância da Abordagem Multidisciplinar e Considerações sobre Etiologia, Diagnóstico e Tratamento. Apresentação de um Caso Clínico
Mordida abierta causada por hábitos de deglución atípica y respiracion bucal. Papel del ortodoncista y del logopeda
Sucking habits and facial hyperdivergency as risk factors for anterior open bite in the mixed dentition
The effect of mode of breathing on craniofacial growth — revisited
Three-dimensional ultrasound diagnostics of tongue posture in children with unilateral posterior crossbite
Transverse features of subjects with sucking habits and facial hyperdivergency in the mixed dentition
Nivelación 4×2: Importancia sobre su aplicación en la dentición mixta y permanente
Relación intra-arcada en la dentición temporal: Diastemas, ausencia de diastemas y apiñamiento
Arch width changes from 6 weeks to 45 years of age
Dental health assessed after interproximal enamel reduction: Caries risk in posterior teeth
Evaluation of retention protocols among members of the American Association of Orthodontists in the United States
Incidence of open gingival embrasures after mandibular incisor extractions: A clinical photographic evaluation
Occlusal characteristics and quality of life before and after treatment of severe malocclusion
Relapse revisited—again
The effectiveness of Hawley and vacuumformed retainers: A single-center randomized controlled trial
Third molar enucleation: diagnosis and technique
Mandibular incisor alignment in untreated subjects compared with long-term changes after orthodontic treatment with or without retainers
Orthodontic treatment with removal of one mandibular incisor: Outcome data and the importance of extraction site preparation
A long-term study of the relationship of third molars to changes in the mandibular dental arch
Artículo de revisión: Sistemas y tipos de retención
La extracción seriada: Manejo ortodóncico y aplicación clínica (1ª Parte)
La extracción seriada: manejo ortodóncico y aplicación clínica (2ª Parte)
Maturation of untreated normal occlusion
Serial extraction as a corrective procedure in dental orthopaedic therapy
The role of the third molar in the cause of late lower arch crowding: A review
Efectos adversos de los retenedores fijos. Una revisión de la literatura científica
Diagnóstico en ortodoncia
Modelo I
Are chin and symphysis morphology facial type–dependent? A computed tomography-based study
Changes in facial dimensions and relationships between the ages of 5 and 25 years
Role of cranial base flexure in developing sagittal jaw discrepancies
Divine proportions in the growing face
Longitudinal changes in three normal facial types
Lip bumper therapy for gaining arch length
Mandibular transverse dentoalveolar and skeletal changes associated with lip bumper and rapid maxillary expander: A cone-beam computed tomography study
Modelo II
Morphometric analysis of cervical vertebrae in relation to mandibular growth
Diagnostic performance of skeletal maturity for the assessment of midpalatal suture maturation
Midpalatal suture maturation: Classification method for individual assessment before rapid maxillary expansion
A 3-dimensional analysis of molar movement during headgear treatment
The six keys to normal occlusion
Effects of Twin-block vs sagittal-guidance Twin-block appliance on alveolar bone around mandibular incisors in growing patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion
Predicting functional appliance treatment outcome in Class II malocclusions-a review
Modelo III
Alveolar and skeletal dimensions associated with lower face height
Cara larga
Cephalometric and clinical diagnoses of open bite tendency
¿Cómo y hasta cuando crece la cara de nuestro paciente?
Outcomes of early versus late treatment of severe Class II high-angle patients
Prediction of mandibular growth rotation
The long face syndrome: Vertical maxillary excess
Treatment strategies for patients with hyperdivergent Class II Division 1 malocclusion: Is vertical dimension affected?
Cara corta
Chincup treatment modifies the mandibular shape in children with prognathism
Early orthodontic treatment for Class III malocclusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Early treatment of Class III malocclusion: Is it worth the burden?
Relationship between normative and self-perceived criteria for orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with esthetics and mastication in adolescents
Skeletal effects of early treatment of Class III malocclusion with maxillary expansion and face-mask therapy
The effectiveness of protraction face mask therapy: A meta-analysis
Chin development as a result of differential jaw growth
Ortodoncia preventiva
Comparative assessment of plaque removal and motivation between a manual toothbrush and an interactive power toothbrush in adolescents with fixed orthodontic appliances: A single-center, examiner-blind randomized controlled trial
Beneficios Oclusales a largo plazo del Tratamiento Precoz.
Longitudinal occlusal changes from primary to permanent dentition in children with normal primary occlusion
Ortodoncia interceptiva
The effects of lip bumper therapy in the mixed dentition
Orthodontic treatment timing: A survey of orthodontists
Quantitative analysis of the orthodontic and orthopedic effects of maxillary traction
Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of phase 1 orthodontic treatment using the American Board of Orthodontics Discrepancy Index
Dental arch dimensional changes after adenotonsillectomy in prepubertal children
Anomalías y malformaciones
El paradigma estético y funcional del paciente con fisura labiopalatina
La fisura labiopalatina en el marco odontológico. Implicaciones clínicas y tratamiento
Indice Bauru
Fisuras labiopalatinas. Definición Anatómica
A Modified Feeding Plate for a Newborn with Cleft Palate
A controlled study of associated dental anomalies
Dental Maturation in Children With the Syndrome of Crouzon and Apert
Craneofacial team managment
Mandibular Asymmetry in Patients With the Crouzon or Apert Syndrome
Long-term stability of LeFort III distraction osteogenesis with a rigid external distraction device in a patient with Crouzon syndrome
Treacher Collins syndrome A case study
Mandibular distraction osteogenesis for treatment of extreme mandibular hypoplasia
Is the mandible intrinsically different in Apert and Crouzon Syndromes
Dental team management for a patient with cleidocranial dysostosis
Role of cone-beam computed tomography with a large field of view in Goldenhar syndrome
Orthodontic treatment in a patient
Comprehensive care of cleft lip and palate children
Three-dimensional Analysis of Factors Related to the Effective Alveolar Molding in Presurgical Infant Orthopedics Findings From a Pilot Study
Intraoral Digital Impression Technique for a Neonate With Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding in infants with Cleft Lip and Palate
Nasal Changes After Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding (PNAM) in the Unilateral Cleft Lip Nose
Presurgical Presentation of Columellar Features, Nostril Anatomy, and Alveolar Alignment
The Effects of Nasoalveolar Molding on Nasal Proportions at the Time of Nasal Maturity
An Intercenter Comparison of Nasolabial Appearance Including a Center Using Nasoalveolar Molding
Early Weight Gain in Infants With Cleft Lip and Palate Treated With and Without Nasoalveolar Molding A Retrospective Study
Artículos complementarios
Tratamiento de quistes foliculares de pequeño y mediano tamaño mediante marsupialización
Diagnosis and Management of Supernumerary Teeth
Brackets con autocierre. ¿Un camino más corto?
Una solución práctica cuando se agota la capacidad del tornillo de expansión rápida maxilar
Retenedor activo Osamu para corrección de las pequeñas recidivas
Las nuevas unidades de simulación como garantía de una enseñanza de calidad en odontología
Trabajo en equipo en Odontología: la comunicación con el laboratorio dental como clave de éxito clínico. A propósito de un caso clínico de tratamiento multidisciplinar.
Avaliação radiográfica da reabsorção radicular, consecutiva ao tratamento ortodontico
A new computer-assisted method for design and fabrication of occlusal splints
Accuracy and reproducibility of 3-dimensional digital model measurements
Tomografía computerizada de haz cónico. Aplicaciones clínicas en odontología; comparación con otras técnicas
Tomografía volumétrica digital: ¿perspectivas para el odontólogo general?
Is the airway volume being correctly analyzed?
Avances en equipamientos (I): la Estereolitografía y sus materiales, un paso hacia el futuro.
Artículos para cursos
Relación intraarcada en la dentición temporal: Diastemas, ausencia de diastemas y apiñamiento
Dental anomalies in the primary dentition and their repetition in the permanent dentition: a diagnostic performance study
Efficient orthodontic treatment timing
Treatment effects of the light-force chincup
Quantitative assessment of theeffectiveness of phase 1 orthodontictreatment using the American Board ofOrthodontics Discrepancy Index
Early treatment of Class II malocclusion: Is it worth the burden?
Comparative evaluation of 2 skeletally anchored maxillary protraction protocols
The use of creativity for treatment of ectopic eruption of maxillary first permanent molars
Eruption disturbances of the first and second permanent molars: Results of treatment in 43 cases
Ectopic eruption of the maxillary first permanent molar: etiologic factors
Ectopic eruption of the first permanent molars- prevalence and etiologic facts
The clinical management of ectopically erupting first permanent molars
Interventions to facilitate the successful eruption of impacted maxillary incisor teeth due to the presence of a supernumerary: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Increased Occurrence of Dental Anomalies Associated with second premolar Agenesis
Increased Occurrence of Dental Anomalies Associated with Infraocclusion of decidious molars
A controlled study of associated dental anomalies
Dental Anomaly Patterns (DAP)
Serial extraction as a corrective procedure in dental orthopaedic therapy
ORTOFACE © 2025 (Clínica de Ortodoncia en Madrid)
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